I Think My Soap is CRAZY!
In my quest to be more healthy/eco concious/CHEAP, my hubsand and I have stopped using body wash. I know, I know, body wash is a recent thing. Time was, you'd get yourself a bar of Dove or Irish Spring and go to town, scrubbing yourself until there was only a tiny sliver of soap, which you would try, in vain, to stick to the new soap in order to use ALL the soap.
Like this:
So yeah, I know, body wash is a luxury. But I always felt that it did a better job of cleaning me without drying my already desert-y skin.
Lately the hubsand and I have discovered Castile Soap. It's all natural, sold in large plastic bottles, smells like mint or other essential oils, cleans like a DREAM and as an added bonus, it only takes a tiny amount to clean your whole self. I even experimented with washing my hair with it. Long story short, the stuff is great. We both use it every day, and it has actually helped clear up some of our recurring skin issues.
The soap looks like this:
So I was showering the other...hour ago...and I started reading the bottle. I mean, I've been using this stuff for months, but I'd never red all of the tiny words on the bottle before, despite my love of reading all the words on things.
First of all, "Doctor" Bronner, says his soap is magic. I don't know about that, but I do know it has lots of uses. Their website says that you can even brush your teeth with it. I am most certainly NOT going to try that, but here, for your tiny-word-reading pleasure is the label.
As I was reading some of the text I was tickled by this:
"The 2nd coming of God's Law" Mohammed's Arabs, 1948, found Israel Dead-Sea-Scrolls & Einstein's "Hillel" prove that as certain as no 6-year-old can grow up free without the abc, so certain can no 12-year old survive free without the Moral ABC mason, tent & sandalmaker, Rabbi Hillel taught carpenter Jesus to unite all mankind free in our Eternal Father's great All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none: "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!" Exceptions? None! 99. Thos. Paine: An Army of Principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot! It will succeed where diplomacy may fail! It will always inspire-evolve-unite the Human race where any other weapon divides-distorts-decays "ALL-ONE-GOD-FAITH" Inspired by the Messiah, Halley's Comet, the Blazing Star of Abraham-Israel-Bethlehem & Mohammed! For who else but God gave man this sensuous passion, Love that can spark mere dust to life! Revealing beauty in our Eternal Father's fashion, poetry, uniting All-One, all brave, all life! Who else but God! Who else! Each day, like a bird, perfect thyself first! Have courage and smile my friend! Think & act 10 years ahead! And the man without fault? He's dead! Do one thing at a time! Work hard. Get done! Then teach the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free! Love is like a willful bird! Do you want it? It flies away! Yet when you least expect it's bliss, it turns around & it's here to stay! For centuries, man struggles, half asleep, half living, small, jealous, bickering with mountains of red tape! To be awakened the night God chose giving His great reward for hard work: poetry-unity-love, evolving man above, above the ape! Passions that quicken your senses, fulfill, quench the thirst of lonesome years! Yet the sun has shadows, learn to control your will, to enjoy life-long happiness, not tears! For God alone knows man's far distant future! Towards which love's unfailing light shows clear the upward path to brotherhood-peace! Great tasks to nurture, with strength and knowledge happiness can last! Love when conquered after years of toil-sweat-blood, love can strike like greased lightning sent by God to spark mere dust to intense blazing fire and create new Love, faith-hope-guts-strength as only God Inspire! Unite the Human race in our Eternal Father's great All-One-God-Faith, as all mankind desire! Ok, now here's what is written horizontally down the label (each paragraph is separated by a horizontal line): Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! Who else but God gave man Love that can spark mere dust to life! Poetry, uniting All-One! All brave! All life! Who else but God! "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!" Einstein, 1939, after Nazis & Commies united, proposed spacebombs that destroy all, unless we finally teach the Moral ABC's the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite all in All-One-God-Faith. As teach astronomers Abraham-Israel-Moses-Buddha-Hillel-Jesus-Spinoza-Paine-Sagan & Mohammed, inspired every 76 years, 6000 years by the Messenger of God';s Law, the sign of the Messiah, Halley's Comet: "WE'RE ALL ONE OR NONE!" "THERE IS NO GOD BUT GOD!" "TEACH LOVE THY ENEMY!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Israel-Moses-Buddha-Jesus-Mohammed: ONE! ALL ONE! 1st: If I'm not for me, who am I? Nobody! 2nd: Yet, if I'm only for me, what am I? Nothing! 3rd: If not now, when? Once more: Unless constructive-selfish I work hard, like Mark Spitz, perfecting first me, absolute nothing can help perfect me! 4th: Only hard work-God's law can save us, but if we teach only our clan? We're all hated then! So, we must teach friend & enemy, the whole Human race, the full-truth, hard-work, free speech. press-&-profitsharing Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, lightning-like, 6-billion-strong, for we're All-One or none! All-One-God-Faith, as teach the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel, for 6000-years, since the year 1: "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" - WE'RE ONE! ALL-ONE! EXCEPTIONS ETERNALLY? NONE! ABSOLUTE NONE! 5th: Whatever unites mankind is better than whatever divides us! Yet, if absolute-unselfish I am not for me, I am nothing but classless, raceless, starving masses, never free nor brave! Only if constructive-selfish I work hard perfecting first me, like Mark Spitz-arctic owls-penguin-pilot-cat-swallow-beaver, bee, can I teach the MORAL ABC'S ALL-ONE-GOD-FAITH, that lightning-like unites the Human race! For we're ALL-ONE OR NONE! ALL-ONE! "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" EXCEPTIONS ETERNALLY? ABSOLUTE NONE! 6th: Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! Balanced food for body-mind-soul-spirit is our medicine! Full-truth our God, half-truth our enemy, hard work our salvation, unity our goal, free speech our weapon, All-One our soul, self-discipline the key to love, uniting All-One above! Above! So, when your fellow man you measure, take him at his best, with that lever, lift him higher, overlook the rest! For we're All-One or none! As teach for 6000 yrs. astronomers Abraham & Israel: "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" 7th: Each swallow works hard to be perfect pilot-provider-builder-trainer-teacher-lover-mate, no half-true hate! So, each day like a bird, perfect thyself first! Have courage and smile my friend. Think and act 10 years ahead! And the man without fault? He's dead! Do one thing at a time, work hard! Get done! Then teach friend & enemy the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free! Uniting One! All-One! Face the world with a smile, life is always worthwhile! To the fearless are given crowns, keep out of the past, disappointments won't last! Help unite mankind, or we're wandering clowns! Diligent preparation, precede... spectacular restoration! So, help teach the whole Human race, the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, lightning-like, for we're All-One or none! All-One! Ok, so that's about a THIRD of what the label says. And see? I made it small for you! As a consummate technical writer, I marveled at the obvious repetitions, obvious repetitions. So I looked up Dr. Bronner. It turns out that he was a German immigrant. You can read his history here http://www.drbronner.com/timeline.php. This pretty much changed my opinion that the label had been patched together from the ramblings of a migratory soap/elixir/snake oil salesman. This actually makes sense when you know his traumatic history. So tonight, remember, "Help unite mankind, or we're wandering clowns!" And the next time you find yourself with
time on your hands in the shower, feel free to google your soap.
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